Wearing Two at Once:
A Tandem and Twin Carrying Workshop
Do your clients have twins or children close in age?
(It's common for clients to have a baby and toddler to manage simultaneously!)
Do they struggle to take care of themselves?
Do you want more techniques to help manage multiples?

Do you do postpartum work and care for multiples?
Are your clients too busy juggling MULTIPLE children all day long to take a break?
Do your clients feel like they can never get anything done?
Are you looking for more tools to help your clients thrive throughout the day?

Well, look no further we have a solution here!
Come to our Tandem + Twin Wearing Masterclass
Enrollment is closed!We will teach you everything you need to know to confidently assist your clients in wearing multiples!
You will walk away:
Ready to teach twin and multiples wearing.
Able to assist families with the carriers they already have on hand. Plus, the carriers you keep in your educator bag!
Poised to accurately assess the needs for the varying situations you will encounter.
With a deeper understanding of the struggles and challenges for families with twins or multiples.
Prepared to create a clear teaching plan for your clients.
Confident in combining different carrier options for both twins and multiples of different ages.

Wearing two at once presents different challenges, and during this live-virtual course we will dig into and embrace these challenges, so you walk away ready to implement your skills asap with your clients.
You will practice with the carriers and dolls you have on hand already, so there is no need to purchase any new carriers!
(...unless you are interested in some of the carriers we demo! Haha:-) )
You will begin with hands-on exploration immediately. We will guide you as you explore different scenarios, and techniques.
There will be time to practice what you learn, teach others, and get feedback. Plus, there will be time for your follow-up questions!
This LIVE (virtual) interactive, hands-on course meets TWICE and each session will be for 3-hours.
For a total of 6 exciting - and packed - hours!

Introducing  the team behind this  jam-packed virtual course:Â

What are the goals of this course?

Its one thing to do something yourself and an entirely different thing to teach another person that same skill.
You will learn how to work with and teach your clients to carry twins and multiples in the carriers they have on hand already.

You will walk away confident in combining different carrier options.
Plus, you will have a structure to approach the varied situations you will encounter.

This 6 hours workshop is a virtual live interactive experience that meets twice for three hours each. (2 x 3 hours live sessions.)
This is a very interactive and hands-on experience. Come prepared to play!