Where in the world is Joanna?
May 03, 2017
How is your Spring coming along? Are you nailing down any Spring or Summer vacation plans? Will you be traveling? Joanna certainly will.
Just where will this month take our intrepid Joanna? This May will be a special month for our traveling team leader. She'll be visiting Austin early on to celebrate the friendships that babywearing built. She and several close friends, many of whom are grads, will be reconnecting and creating memories while reveling in past ones. There'll beamazing barbecue, warm weather and Southern hospitality to enjoy while she's in Austin. Don't forget to bring us back some Torchy's Tacos!
When she returns to New York Joanna will be teaching Foundations right here in our hometown! While she's local we'll also be organizing a fun graduate and local community meet and greet in Queens. We will be joined by grad Hedwych from Wrap You in Love as well as local babywearing coat manufacturer and all around lovely Mama, Kat from Tasku Babi. If you're local to the Tri-State area we would love to see your beautiful faces and hope you bring your friends and family! We can't wait to see you all!
After our fun event here at home Joanna will be off again, this time headed to St. Louis, MO to check out the Gateway Arch and teach Foundations at Cotton Babies!