Think Babywearing Is Just About Technique? Think Again.
Sep 03, 2024
Many people look at me confused when I share what I do for a living; I train people to be babywearing consultants.
The confusion isn't just because they haven't heard of someone doing this for work before, either —although I'm sure that's part of it. What stumps people the most is that they assume just knowing how to get the carrier on and off correctly is the end of the journey.
In a world swamped with thousands of babywearing tutorials on YouTube and social media, many people wonder, "Why would someone need training for this? What more could they really need to know?"
If you haven't taken any of my trainings, let me share something with you:
When I say 'babywearing,' I’m talking about a whole lot more than just technique.
If knowing about baby carriers, watching instructional videos, or even knowing how-to put on a carrier was all it took, then everyone would already be wearing and carrying their baby —but unfortunately, that's not the case.
The how-to is really just the tip of the iceberg.
In Foundations, I approach babywearing education and consultation more like an iceberg—a small part is easily visible to the world (the technique). Then, there's a vast expanse of knowledge under the water's surface that isn't as easily recognized.
This less-visible but critical knowledge separates a babywearing consultant from an enthusiast. It's what makes us more than just walking tutorials.
The iceberg above demonstrates that babywearing is about more than just technique — that's the tip of the iceberg. From understanding baby development and adapting to different needs, especially as it relates to carrying, to knowing the heritage and subsequent science behind babywearing and using strong-yet-empathic communication skills —these deeper layers are what make babywearing truly supportive for both caregiver and baby.
And that's exactly why our Foundations in Babywearing Education offers a holistic approach to becoming a babywearing educator and consultant.
It's not just about learning how to use a carrier—which you will learn—but also about building the confidence, knowledge, and skills to help you create a successful babywearing consulting practice or program so that those you serve will have a calm and connected postpartum.
Plus, you'll have ongoing support from the training and our community afterward. If you're considering investing in yourself, your services, and your clients, know that this training and CBWS will support your journey at every step. The next training starts soon—join me now!
Do you have any questions? Check out this curated FAQ about all our trainings and how they compare, or send us an email.