I wake up at seven a.m. before my three girls get up. A hot pot of coffee sits waiting for my worn Battlestar Gallactica mug. My husband, Scott, has already left for the day, and the house still has that sleepy feel. There is about an hour to answer emails and Facebook messages, and get my calendar in order before I need to make breakfast. Suddenly, I hear my three girls slowly tumble their way downstairs, and our day begins.
Homeschool owns the morning. We have a loose rhythm that carries us through sixth grade grammar to second grade math to preschool fun.
At lunchtime, there’s another round of emails, texts, and what-not to be sorted and answered, while leftovers reheat or sandwiches made. Today, we have a park date, and I have a consult in the late afternoon. We spend a good two hours romping in the woods with friends.
On the drive back into the city to the shop, the car is quiet as we let Beverly Cleary’s Beezus and Ramona surround us.
At the store, the girls set up camp towards the back of the shop with school work and activities, while I settle and wait for my consult to arrive. We’re lucky enough to have family that lives close and Grandma is on hand for babysitting if I have a class, or an all afternoon consult. Today’s consult shouldn't be longer than an hour.
Consults are my favorite way to teach and connect with new parents. Every consult is different and each has its own challenges. I'm delighted and all is right when a family leaves secure and confident. I’m helping bond families.
Evenings in our house are a time to come together again; a time to eat, drink, and play Small World before bedtime for the girls. Scott and I wrangle the kids into bed. I have evening messages to answer, and Scott has his own work to finish. When the house is quiet, we share a glass of wine, and it’s our time.
On the weekends, I share my knowledge and passion for babywearing to new parents at the shop. Scott makes pancakes and coffee in the morning, while I pack my gear for the day; Ring slings, mei tais, wraps, and the baby dolls. The shop is close to home, so Scott and the kids drop me off before they head out for errands and Daddy fun..
My classes have evolved over eight years. I’ve found my groove, and seriously love Newborn Babywearing. It’s the longest class and most fulfilling. I take my time to connect, joke, and listen. It’s a busy day, but in the end I'm ready for pizza night.
Amy Takemoto is a CBWS Graduate, an Educator, and a part of Team CBWS.
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