Babywearing Voices: Austin Rees
Dec 02, 2024
Austin’s journey into babywearing began in 2003, when she was gifted a ring sling for her first child. With her mother’s background as a midwife and lactation consultant, nurturing practices like babywearing came naturally.
“It was just part of my parenting from the beginning,”
Austin shared.
As her family grew, so did her passion for babywearing, which led her to explore different carriers and attend babywearing groups, eventually inspiring her to pursue professional training in the field.
Austin’s passion for babywearing drove her to seek formal education by enrolling in the CBWS Foundations Course . As a mother who had personally experienced the profound benefits of babywearing, she wanted to ensure she had the skills and knowledge to support other caregivers in their journey.
“I didn’t just want to wear my baby; I wanted to help other families feel that same sense of connection and ease that I felt. The Foundations Course gave me that ability.”
In addition to practical tools, the course provided Austin with a community of like-minded advocates, all working towards the shared goal of improving caregivers' lives through babywearing.
By 2013, she had taken formal training in babywearing education and integrated it into her work as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
“It paired well with helping parents with feeding and wearing their babies,” she noted.
In 2019, Austin expanded her skill set by becoming a craniosacral therapist, specializing in infants. This shift allowed her to help babies with feeding, movement, and other developmental challenges in a gentle, hands-on way.
“In each of my sessions, I ask parents if they have a baby carrier they feel comfortable and confident using.” This simple question opens up an opportunity to integrate babywearing as part of the child’s healing and development.
Austin emphasizes the functional use of babywearing, especially for infants with certain physical tendencies, such as a preference for looking to one side. She teaches parents how to use baby carriers to gently correct imbalances and support the baby’s overall physical development.
“A lot of parents think of babywearing as a transportation item, but I show them how it can be a part of their day-to-day routines, aiding with digestion, sleep, and even reducing pain,” she explained.
If you'd like to learn more about Austin’s babywearing journey and her work, you can connect with her on her website and social platforms:
- Website:
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- Instagram: @nourish.align
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