NEW! Babywearing Business Development Group!
Nov 01, 2022
In this small-group setting, we will work together to build and develop your babywearing business and expand your babywearing program for your existing business. We will meet regularly as a group and dive into the work of creating the company or program you want to provide your clients.
This will be a working group. You will need time set aside each week to push your work forward. Your group and I will be there to hold you accountable and dig into issues as they come up, and I will help you to move forward in a conscious and guided way.
If you need help discovering your core audience, creating sales pages and pipelines, marketing, and more, there will be a host of videos and materials for you to tap into to fill in the gaps in your knowledge.
This group will have homework and group mission-oriented work - meaning you will create the pieces needed to push yourself and your business forward while others are doing the same. We will work in tandem to amplify all our group efforts.
Interested in learning more? I created this page with all the information on my new Business Development Program.