Welcome Elise Hall to CBWS
Sep 17, 2024
Introducing our newest CBWS team member, Elise Hall! Elise has been actively involved in CBWS trainings, workshops, and business groups since 2022, and has consistently shown up with passion and determination to her work as a babywearing consultant. We’re thrilled to be adding her to our team this year!
When Elise Hall began her journey with CBWS, she was desperate for a way to turn her passion for babywearing into a way to support her family.
“I had a sort of cloudy idea that maybe I could review baby carriers or something,” Elise says. “I was just grasping at this passion I had and hoping I could make it into something real.”
Elise first discovered there was such a thing as a babywearing educator in a babywearing forum, and she immediately knew she wanted to explore this. After taking both the Newborn and Foundations Training from CBWS, she was excited to bring consulting into her community.
“Honestly? I thought it would be a no-brainer,” Elise recalls. “I figured everyone would be as amazed and excited as I was to find out that babywearing support was a real thing.”
But the reality turned out to be much harder than she expected. Located in rural Mississippi, where babywearing is often dismissed and even frowned upon by many families and healthcare providers, Elise realized that she would need to get creative. She joined The Working Group and began private coaching with Joanna, which gave her the support and guidance she needed to find the right path for her business.
“It took a lot of exploring and experimenting, figuring out how to draw people in and intrigue them to open their minds,” says Elise. “My business has gone through a lot of changes, which has been frustrating at times but has also given me an opportunity to really get to know my strengths and understand my community better.”
After plenty of trial and error, Elise finally landed on the sweet spot - the connection between babywearing and fitness.
Her company, MomBod Fitness, offers support for women and families from pre-conception through the postpartum period and beyond, with a special focus on pelvic floor health. She offers a range of movement classes, including yoga, barre, and Kangatraining, and incorporates babywearing as a way to support parents with limited childcare while introducing them to a new way of thinking about babywearing.
“I love seeing the transformation in the parents I work with as they start to feel more empowered,” says Elise. “I now have women coming to me asking about babywearing in my fertility yoga classes, before they’re even pregnant!”
As a new CBWS trainer-in-training, Elise is excited about the opportunity to help more people creatively spread the power of babywearing in their communities.
“After many hours together, it was evident to me that Elise would be a great fit with CBWS. She has great instincts and exceptional interpersonal skills. Plus, her unique path offers a good counterbalance to what CBWS currently offers,” Joanna shared. “I’m excited to integrate Elise’s expertise into our current and future courses.”
Welcome to the team, Elise!